Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Was it really that appalling of an episode ? absolutely not !
6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The amount of accumulated hate this episode has managed to gather is quite ''exaggerated'' to say the least . I mean the episode was far from a state of beautifully written ,yet it's given us glimpses of what we are truly missing , a peak at the past if you will ...

The writing , once again , hasn't ceased to drown in the sea of illogicality in relation to certain events :

1-The dragon's death was unrealistic to say the least , but is it a breaking point of the episode ? not quite .

2-Capturing Missandei out of the water considering how much of an asset she would be as a hostage to Cersei , was rather improbable and thus a strike to the writing .

3-Dany marching towards King's landing backed up by a handful of unsullied , her dragon (surprisingly so considering it lost its brother a few scenes prior , which logically implies that Dany wouldn't think of risking its life in such a way),neglecting the fact that Cersei could've ended the war right then and there .

4-Cersei failing to put an end to the war when she had the upper hand was completely uncharacteristic , and yes a breaking point of the show would it not be justified in the upcoming episodes .That would imply that capturing Missendei was an utter pointless act , which accomplished nothing but to awaken the rage of Dany and push her through the edge ,for her to fall into the tyrannic mad nature she sought to end throughout her life .IT certainly looks like that is where the show is heading .

Add a couple of uncharacteristic decision making here and there (Jaime) and you've summed up the cons of this episode.

Now come to the reason i've failed to utterly detest this episode was the ushering of certain moments reminiscent of the glory days of GoT . The scenes between Varys and Tyrion are quite brilliant , the dialogue is noticeably improved , character interactions were witty , interesting for once , and unblemished by forced humour.

My concluding point is : Yes , the episode wasn't brilliant at all .But it certainly wasn't as vile as some describe it to , simply because the show has failed to animate their expectations into existence , simply because they refuse to acknowledge the route the show is marching on. That is a massive subjective bias controlling and blinding most reviewer from truly delivering an objective , fair , review ...allowing innumerable people to jump on the bandwagon of hate without clear understanding of what makes a good show good , or vice versa .

6/10 from me .
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