Alien: Alone (2019)
Not among the best
7 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Alone" is as the full title already implies another of these recently made short films on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Alien franchise. It is (according to IMDb) the first and so far only filmmaking credit by writer and director Noah Miller and among the longer entries as this one runs for 11:45 plus another half minutes of closing credits. Most of these tribute movies stay on single-digit numbers minute-wise. Anyway, on the opposite end of the scale, this is really among those with the fewest characters. For over 8 minutes, it is a one-person show (actress Taylor Lyons). The character of Hope (that name really?) is in the center of the story and it is really more about survival and we find out about her backgrounds why she is where she is and what her daily routine looks like. Also how loneliness may have had a bad impact on her already. The last third of the film is a bit more about the action as another (male) character enters the picture and also the Alien references become more frequent. I must say I was not too impressed by this one here. It is probably not the weakest from the series, but among the weaker overall I suppose. Taking Miller's lack of experience into account, it isn't all bad I suppose. But story-wise, it certainly could have been more convincing. If they were going for a character study for the most part here, then there must be better writing. Lyons does what she can with what she is given here, but it just isn't enough and the more action-packed final 4 minutes (including a decent plot twist) cannot make up for that. It's a thumb-down for me. Only check it out if you totally adore Alien and everything related to it.
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