Review of Peelers

Peelers (2016)
Peelers: Slightly above average zombie movie
7 May 2019
Peelers tells the story of a zombie-ish outbreak in a strip club and despite being cliched it's passable stuff.

Though advertised as a horror I have to say it's arguably a comedy horror, some of the jokes are far too silly for it to be otherwise. This does screw up the tone a tad because they are few and far between, but it doesn't damage the movie thankfully.

The last time I watched a Canadian zombie comedy it was Ahockalypse (2018) which was a fair bit better than this. Not saying Peelers isn't a good movie, it just plays everything so safe and doesn't really have its own identity.

Think of all the tropes you're used to seeing in zombie movies, Peelers grabs them with both hands and grips them tight for the full 90 minute duration.

The cast, unknowns but they do a good enough job especially our leading lady. The effects, passable. The script, not half bad. But the movie itself again just comes across too color by numbers and won't deliver any surprises.

Passable stuff and a decent enough watch for zombie movie fans.

The Good:

Wren Walker

Has its moments

The Bad:

Very little originality
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