Incredible and Awe inspiring
7 May 2019
Surgeons at the edge of life is a most appropriate title for this ground breaking series. If you want to see these remarkable people work at the cutting edge (no pun intended) of the medical profession, their is no better series. Each episode (to call it a show does it a disservice) focuses on two remarkable surgical operations at Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth hospital and in most instances their task seems against the odds. The case's are explained in straightforward detail with state of the art graphics illustrating the challenges ahead for these pioneers of the medical world. Scenes where hearts are stopped for half an hour, bodies drained of blood, brain surgery carried out whilst the patient is awake are just some of the jaw dropping scenes. The patients are shown with an empathetic approach by the programme makers, never over intrusive and at times it's a very emotional journey as literally live or die situations unfold on camera with not all procedures having a happy ending. In a tv world of vacuous productions, this show is a moving and informative to anyone who watches and is a great tribute to these incredible human's who hold the chance of so many peoples lives in their talented hands.
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