Prison Warden (1949)
"You can't run a prison like a Sunday school."
8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If a guard ever said that and I was hired as Warden, that guard would be immediately looking for another position. Warner Baxter, a former health commissioner, takes on the job of prison qarden at the state penitentiary, unaware that young wife Anna Lee is secretly in love with one of the inmates (Harlan Warde) whom she asks to be made her chauffeur. While Warde has declared his innocence in the robbery he was sentenced for, veteran prison officials are sure that he is lying. It turns out that Lee only married Baxter so she could convince Baxter to take the warden job and be near Warde. Baxter goes in with the best intentions of fixing the system, but finds that best intentions don't always bring results.

The B budget of this action drama is pretty obvious, reflected in a screenplay that doesn't really reveal much outside the issues of Baxter and Lee's personal life. There had been grittier prison films in the past (most notably "Brute Force"), making this sadly generic in comparison. The build-up to the obvious conclusion isn't really all that exciting, and it is pretty obvious how this will turn out. Baxter and Lee also seem far too difference in age, making their paring unrealistic as well. Warde manages to deliver a performance that builds in dramatic intensity, and for fans of "General Hospital's" Lila Quartermaine, it's a chance to see Anna Lee in a role quite different than what she normally played.
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