A Sci-Fi that everyone should see!
9 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Before being a master of great CGI movies like Avatar (2009), Titanic (1997), James Cameron directed and produced this, Terminator (1984), and it had become one of his greatest work. There was so much sci-fi and action that we have always wanted to see. It was about a seemingly indestructible android is sent from 2029 to 1984 to assassinate a waitress, whose unborn son will lead humanity in a war against the machines, while a soldier from that war is sent to protect her at all costs.

Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger (a name that is hard to pronounce), as T-800. Most of you though that in the movie he would be a protagonist but he was actually the main villain. It was weird right because the poster had his portrait on it, not a hero but a villain. Schwarzenegger was legendary when he took this role and he acted just like a real cyborg with no feelings, no tears, it's just so perfect! Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, T-800's only target, was good as well being a waitress, a person who didn't know how her son was going to be. Michael Biehn played the good guy Kyle Reese, who would then be Sarah Connor's husband but he died before they even got married. Pretty sad! At first I thought he was another terminator which he had no clothes as well as T-800. It was funny when we could see T-800's buttocks. But then, the best performance belongs to the villain and that is Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was great and perfect for the movie! A great casting choice!

I liked the action sequence so much because they were non-stop, entertaining and well-edited, 1% of bad CGI. I just didn't like the cinematography much. It really looked like the 60s with technicolor or the 70s. The 80s were a bit of advanced so they should spend more of the budget to make a better cinematography. It's really hard to look at something that should be seen clearly. Another problem was when T-800 chased the two when it was burnt and exploded by one of Reese's bombs and turned into a cyborg skeleton, it was walking like how villains walk from movies of the 20s, the 30s or the 40s. It was bad. The lines from the screenplay were really good and iconic, especially: I'll be back! Or Fak you assholr! I really wanted to say it in front of bullies who tried to do the same thing that made the character says the line. They would be like "Where do you get that line from?" and they would get jealous.

Terminator (1984) was a masterpiece of sci-fi and action. I was still confused why it was R-Rated. There wasn't much blood or restricted danger. I felt it should be PG-13 because teens under 18 loved it as well. I really disagreed with the fact that it was rated an R. It was such a waste of that rating. For sci-fi and action movie fans, you guys should see it. It's one of the greatest in science fiction.

Ratings: 8.8/10
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