I liked it... but it's not for everybody
10 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
With the title that this movie has, one may be expecting a lot of absurdist humor, as well as plenty of action and/or gore. But viewers who approach this movie with those expectations will likely be disappointed. For starters, there's not much attempt at humor, and the few humorous touches are very brief and very low key. As for gore, there's almost none of that. And as for action, there's only a few minutes of actively hunting Hitler, and even less of hunting Bigfoot. Instead, the movie is much more of a character study of the title person, showing a somewhat tortured individual who has some big regrets from his past. This is, I admit, executed in a VERY slow manner, where not much happens for much of the running time. Also, at the end, there are a few unanswered questions that really demand an answer. Yet for me, the movie worked all the same. The slow unfolding of the troubled past of the "man" was very interesting, even if it was very serious and without action or swiftness. And Sam Elliott gives a great performance, showing pain (physical and mental) and struggle. If you are prepared for a deep character study and not in great demand for B-movie schlock, don't let the title throw you off, and give this movie a try. It's not perfect, but few movies are.
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