Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Season 8 drags it down.
10 May 2019
I had the rating at 9 originally. This was one of the best shows on television. Unexpected twist that surprised me, but still made total sense in-universe, had me on my toes. A total lack of plot armor made me fear for my favorite characters like no other show or movie had for a very long time. The politics, the intrigues, the whole story had me in its grip.

Then season 8 happened. From no plot armor, the show went to 110% plot armor. The politics are suddenly laughably bad and simple. Characters are propped up while others are torn down for what I can only speculate are the writers injecting hollywood politics into the show. Nothing against strong female characters, some of my favorite movies have female leads, but when it is so obvious that there's an agenda at play, like it is in GoT towards the end, it's just off-putting.

The writing was deteriorating since the show overtook the books, but season 8 is bafflingly bad. There's still a few episodes to go, but after episode 3 and 4 I've lost all hope and will stop watching the show alltogether.

Such a promising show that ends on such a low note is a shame. GoT has lost all rewatchability and I will probably never watch another episode of this show again and neither will I recommend it to anyone.

I've changed my rating from 9 to 5 because the first 4 to 5 seasons are still superb. But the underwhelming and badly written conclusion destroys everything good about the show that came before. A real shame and a lost opportunity. The writers should feel bad and ashamed.
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