Waste of Time
11 May 2019
This show has some decent information at times, but it is easily the hardest to watch serial killer series I've seen. This has nothing to do with the content of the murders, but rather the construction of the episodes themselves. The speakers and narrator repeat themselves to an absolutely ridiculous degree. A third of each episode isn't just repeated info, but actually repeated dialogue. Another third is, as mentioned in another review, just camera cuts to an artist drawing the face of the killer. The final third is just drivel that has tiny chunks of interesting facts sprinkled in.

The most disappointing part of the show is the amount of potential it has, but how quickly the show kills that spark of interest by just being outright annoying. They shoehorn the line "inside the mind of a serial killer" in about 2-4 times every episode and it's an eye roll. The stories of the murders aren't told in chromatic order; they usually take on something more akin to a bad Pulp Fiction. It jumps everywhere, leaving out parts here and there just to bring them back in when the story has already moved forward.

The real reason I had to stop watching though is this obnoxious stock sound of string instruments that plays at every. Single. Camera cut. It's the exact same sound at the exact same volume in EACH episode. These are 40 minute episodes on average and I'd probably be underselling it if I said they play this sound no less than twice a minute. It's so bad that after watching 4 episodes, I can't focus on anything else in the show. It is CONSTANT. I was really trying to finish the series as the subject matter itself is very interesting, but that is the only saving grace of this show, and you'll never appreciate any of it because of how horribly presented, edited, and written it is. Making myself sit through another episode of this would be unbearable. A complete failure.
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