Spider-Man 2 (2004)
It made the Trilogy lives on
11 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have the sequel of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy starring Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man, blah blah blah... and since Green Goblin is dead in the first movie, there's a new villain called Doctor Octopus played by Alfred Molina. Things changed in the movie.

The performances were a lot better than they did in the previous film. Tobey Maguire suddenly got better and better and even acquainted with this huge character and suddenly critics praise him for his role as the one and only Spider-Man. I am also gonna praise for him. There's no argument that nobody can be a better Spider-Man than him. Alfred Molina was also great. He did everything to make his role a supervillain that audiences won't forget. He didn't lose touch of his heart. He went out, killed lots of people on purpose and I like that even though he wasn't as good as Willem Dafoe being Green Goblin. I actually liked the performances more than Spider-Man (2002).

The CGI effects had finally appeared more than the previous movie. It made the action scenes looked better and unforgettable, especially when Spider-Man was fighting Doc Ock on a train, no audiences would forget that. It was the CGI that made the train battle so epic and iconic. Many people said that there was so much violence here but I didn't see any, just Doc Ock killed people and I still think that movie deserves a PG-13, R is too far.

There were scenes we don't want to happen, like Mary Jane Watson got married with J. Jonah Jameson's son, who was an astronaut, or when Spider-Man lost his powers for most of the time in this movie. Then I liked when Peter rushed to the fire with no powers and rescued kids (I don't remember how many kids were there).

I was a bit curious when the scene at the bank. Peter ran away from Aunt May then Spider-Man came. She never thought about Peter abandoning her. Then after defeating Doc Ock, she made this speech to Peter that "We need Spider-Man!". The surprising scenes were when Harry Osborn and then MJ found out that Peter is Spider-Man. I was half impressed and half not impressed. I was half impressed because she could look at him with emotions and it was great and I was half not impressed because Harry's gonna do something about this in Spider-Man 3 and he did.

The ending was really awesome. MJ chose not to be with that guy, the astronaut and she went to Peter and shared their second kiss. It was really touching (Just Kidding). When Spider-Man swung around the city again, it was much better than the first one but when Spidey was standing on the flag of USA in part 1, Part 2 couldn't beat that but the ending was still better.

This is my favorite Spider-Man movie. I really love what they did in here, so much special CGI and epic battles that no one would forget after watching it. I agreed that they did better than the first one. I was also impressed that it won an Oscar for Best Visual Effects in 2005.

Ratings: 9.25/10
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