The Killer Next Door (2019 TV Movie)
Lifetime Staple..Dramatic & Dumb
11 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I try not to watch lifetime movies very often, they are the same dramatic script over and over again, just with a different below mediocre cast.

So why did I decide to watch this movie? It was starting on a Saturday and I was too lazy to find something else.

This movie is so lame. Could they not have tried a little harder? I always find female murders quite funny in the lifetime realm. They are able to know where and be places before their victims (when it was not scheduled), lurk in the shadows (or broad daylight) without ever being spotted, have the strength to murder multiple people and then cover up/hid their dead weight bodies without leaving a drop of evidence. Why? Just simply bc they are obsessed with someone. They are also always beautiful, young and live in nice neighborhoods, so they have nothing else going for them then to murder and obesses over one person? In this case, a nephew. Right.

The kid? He is supposed to be 6? He is almost as tall as all the grown women cast members, has adult teeth and in no way shape or form even resembles a 6 year old. I would say the kid is at the very, very least, 10,12?

The neighbors? Laughable. It's crazy how they can all gather at the drop of a hat to stand around, with their arms folded whispering about someone for whatvever fill in the blank moment. Do none of them have jobs or anything better to do than over the top judge every single thing some woman does, or clearly does not do (the music)? Oh, but once the sun sets and the beautiful 115 lb murderer is out breaking into houses and MURDERING people, it's a ghost town.

I'd also like to know what sound system the main character woman had, it's turned up to "34" yet is so loud, it draws all the surrounding neighbors, you can hear every single word and beat OUTSIDE of doors and walls of the house on a busy afternoon. Good thing only one car of rap listening teens pulled up due to all the flyers that were passed out for this kick ass party!! Whew.

Speaking of this beautiful neighborhood, how does the main character (I honestly don't even know her name, never caught it, never cared) afford this half a million dollar house on a PT salary working at a small gym? Working 3 days a week, I might add. I would guess that is 20k a year, tops.

This movie was so ridiculous, it's actuallu still playing in the background, I have just stopped paying attention. I'm sure coming up is the dramatic showdown between the mom and aunt, mom will say some one liner like "he is MY son" before handing down the final blow. I'm on the edge of my seat, really......
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