Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
i gave a 7 to episode_3 but this is a 10
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all let me get this straight the 2nd episode was a filler, 3rd episdoe's story was bad. But this episode was just good, i dont know what people were expecting from this episode everybody knew what Daenerys was capable of doing to Kings Landing. Mountain vs Hound was pretty awesome, end to cersie the same. what are people even expecting, Drogon burning Cersie? if it had been like that people still would've called that out! Everyone invested time in this show and believe me there wasn't one story in this show there was night king, Cersie, high sparrow and so on. People who are complaining about this episode are the same people who cheered for Cersie when she blew up High Septon and when Jon emerged from the horde of men in Battle of bastards these are the same people who cheered. Everyone just stop taking out your frustration of Night King arc on other episodes. this episode wasnt bad as people are saying
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