Review of The Bells

Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Shall we obliterate years of characters development to induce some shock value?
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all , this episode was a visual buffet introducing some of the most visually appealing scenery ever created for television or cinema likewise , massive props to the production team.

The writing once again constituted the episode-breaking aspect , as it was once again predictable , rushed ... soaked in illogicality, inconsistency and pointlessness .So let us shed a light on how this episode was butchered shall we :

1/Daenerys bursting into a state of madness reminiscent of her late father rampaging the city into flames for no utter reason but to seemingly drive the plot forward for one more episode . The bells rung and the battles ended , The throne was finally secured and all that was left was to sit on it . And we are to believe that she's suddenly lost her sanity ,forsaken it in such a tiny time span ,due to an almost non-existing build up, throwing away what she repeatedly claimed was hers in a completely contradictory way to what she was built up to be ...and for the silliest of reasons ? Absolutely inexcusable.

2/Yes the dragon was covered with armor as many predicted , however not with actual armor , PLOT armor .It is a bit unbelievable to say the least that the dragon single-handedly managed to destroy the iron fleet and the city's defenses in such effortlessness , wouldn't you say ? Considering what a ''Scorpion'' ballista is capable of shooting down from the sky *cough* Rhaegal *cough*... So imagine how impressed I was with the writing and the complete absence of plot armor when I witnessed Drogon wrecking havoc upon King's landing's defences ....Brilliant .

3/Cersei's death was quite unfortunate and wasteful , it didn't strike me as the emotional blow I expected it would whatsoever ,it felt lacking and shallow .Always a great shame to witness such cunning ,intelligent characters disgraced by such dull endings with little to no usage of what makes their character dangerously brilliant whatsoever ,and the absence of a mere shred of resistance ( RIP Varys , Baelish)

It is sad ,disappointing , and shameful to witness giants crumble , fall down on their knees , and humbly perish in such spectacularly wasteful manners . For it is Finally that I got to the point where i can confidently say , Game of thrones is beyond redemption and what a great shame that is . Cheers

6/10 for the visual feast and the exquisite performances by the actors .
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