Bong Appétit (2016– )
Season 3 letdown ):
15 May 2019
I just found Bong Appetite and I LOVED the first two seasons!!! I found them on April 20th on Vice and recorded set my DVR to record every episode. I have been enjoying these episodes SOOO much as my husband and I already love cooking shows! Now that I'm a new medical cannabis patient, I have been so excited about all of the education and how the show has been showing us almost step-by-step how to do things! And then on top of that, Abdullah is just charming and around the same age as my son, so he and the people he hosts are still relatively relatable to me. And then I started season 3... What a CRAZY LETDOWN!!! Not only is the comfortable house dinner party format gone, but so is Abdullah!!! Now the show is in some commercial industrial kitchen with chefs competing against each other. There is a host who wears sunglasses all the time so he is completely unapproachable, and the only one they kept is the girl who is even kinda not as warm as she used to be. The whole show feel is just not as warm and fun and relaxed and exciting...its just kinda common feeling. The last thing I need in my life is another cooking competition show..seriously, even if it does have weed in it. What were they thinking screwing with the format???

If you can't get Abdullah back, fine. But get a host that knows about weed, is friendly and a great laid back friend that I want to have dinner with and learn about weed and smoke with and relax with. This show was awesome to wind down to. Give us back our chill show please?
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