Review of Damage

Angel: Damage (2004)
Season 5, Episode 11
Andrew Drops by L.A.
15 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "Damage" a mental patient breaks out of an LA psychiatric hospital. She turns out to be a mentally damaged vampire Slayer, lost and confused. Andrew shows up to assist Wolfram & Hart in the hunt for this woman, to save her from the public and herself. Spike pursues her as well. She was abused as a child and her muddled mind believes Spike to be the man behind it all. She is killing men around town. She captures Spike and cuts his hands off. Angel and company show up and manage to sedate and capture her. Andrew shows up with a group of Slayers and force WR&H to let them take away their fellow Slayer to help her. Spike gets an operation to get his hands back. Him and Angel ponder over their dark paths as the episode ends.

I'm not sure why the writers in the Buffy-verse are so enamored with Andrew's character. Of all the characters to bring over for this episode, why him? I would have much preferred Xander or even one of the lesser Potentials from the last season over Andrew...

This episode is fine. It's a bit of a filler one. Spike and Angel get to contemplate their existence a bit and bond over their vampire soul-iness but beyond that the overall plot doesn't really make much headway. This Slayer character seems like a one off with no future potential. The writers do manage to show that the Slayers don't seem to trust Wolfram & Hart, which makes it easier for them to explain why we won't be seeing a lot of them. You'd think WR&H would be constantly asking for help with such powerful allies but if the two groups can't play nicely I suppose not.
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