A tidy thriller that pushes a bit too hard
15 May 2019
A man who is obliged to dispose of bodies for gangsters is left in a dilemma when one of the corpses is still alive.

First off this film is mostly people sitting around talking. The moments of horror and action are few and far between - so if this is what you are expecting (the trailer is ambiguous) give this a miss.

As a character study this is pretty good. The principal three actors give great performances. Especially the little girl who is both vulnerable and creepy as hell.

Not an awful lot happens in this movie but then with such a small scope it doesn't need to.

The direction and camera work is very good. Someone has been quite cute with the use of colour - every other shot is sprinkled with daubs of red.

As the film ramps up to a conclusion it tries to become something its not. Some elements that are handled with great dexterity at the beginning of the film are pushed clumsily to the foreground where they just don't work.

In all a solid thriller with great characters but trails off at the end.
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