16 May 2019
Talal Derki leaves his family in Berlin and returns to where he grew up in Norther Syria to spend two years amongst Salafist-jihadists & Al-Nusra Front (aka al-Qaeda in Syria) filming their fight against the Syrian Assad government. Their cry, "God's mission, jihad, the caliphate!" "We continue to spread the true faith around the world." In the doc the village we see was once Sufi (pacifist Muslims); now there are no more Sufis. The al-Nusra dream is to witness the full glory of Islam. Tracing their history to the wars in Afghanistan, "When American troops entered Afghanistan ... God almighty had promised us victory ... the American troops were humiliated & retreated because of the Mujahideen". We see little warfare outside of a few Russian bombs being dropped, rather the main focus of this doc is how a jihadist father prepares his eight sons (from two wives; none older than about 14; given that a man's worth is in sons I wonder if no female children is the result of infanticide) to continue to fight by sending two of the oldest to a military & Sharia caliphate training camp for young boys. Being trained to follow al-Qaeda defending Muslims in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Burma, India, Syria. Commonly, they form different coalitions w/other fighters to further their agenda using Afghanistan as a model. "Tomorrow we fight and kill under God's flag (the jihadists black banner) ... the enemies of God." Side note: As to the status of women none were seen, and it was mentioned that if any males saw a female (no matter how young) outside their house they would first be disapprovingly glared at. Likely worse would follow.
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