Review of Siren

Siren (I) (2016)
So forgettable
18 May 2019
Technically the picture had flaws, the grading was a little haphazard and there was noticeable digital grain on some shots where they pushed the camera to far. Sound was mostly excellent but sadly let down by occasional bad dubbing, this was barely noticeable though. The special effects looked excellent, subtle and effective, never looking digital or fake. Sometimes it felt like some effects were missing and the main girl wearing a nude suit was quite off-putting. Pacing was fairly solid, it was short and never really got boring. The acting was mostly good, with the only notable exception being the main antagonist man who overplayed it to the point of annoyance. I was surprised how much I enjoyed Siren (2016), it reminded me of a lesser version of Jeepers Creepers (2001) but it just missed out because it's so forgettable.
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