Blue Bottles (1928)
Silent era Elsa!
18 May 2019
I think it was critic Walter Kerr who once claimed female actresses during the silent era were too concerned with being pretty to be funny-- that being said, he was very, very wrong and clearly never watched BLUE BOTTLES.

Elsa Lanchester makes a fine comic lead in this eccentric short comedy from the late silent period. She's highly animated and expressive without going overboard, and by the end of the movie, you wish you could have gotten to spend more time with this character. The situation itself is ripe with comedic possibilities and it all moves at a fast clip. I have to admit though, my favorite part is probably the scene in the police station, where the officers give Lanchester the most awkward thank you possible.

It makes me wish Lanchester could have been the lead in a silent comedy feature proper, but at least we have this little gem to enjoy. I only wish it existed in a less fuzzy print.
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