18 May 2019
I was able to catch an early screening of the film a couple weeks In advance of its HBO premier, I live in Texas but wasn't too aware of Beto until the last few months of the. Campaign. I kept seeinghearing the buzz-stickers on kids' computers at Starbucks, Beto signs-even in suburbia, a mention in the paper here, a negative comment from my ultra conservative neighbor on Facebook, people talking around the proverbial water cooler at work, and so on. I caught him at a Beers with Beto, and I was hooked. Never have I seen such a smart, genuine, humble "politician." It didn't take long for me to sign up and host my own call and canvassing parties. Hope in TEXAS! Never have I been around so many positive people (supporters), Such a contrast from the politics of fear. Why bother to mention this? Because this documentary captures the spirit and enthusiasm of the Texas senate race. Want a slice of "politics" (the kind where the people are actually a part) and hope in what WILL be a model of/for America? Watch this. A word about the negative reviews and ranking..,,, they are no doubt from people who haven't seen the doc, people who support other candidates or agendas. See it for yourself.
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