Hereditary (2018)
My favorite movie!
20 May 2019
I rarely give 9's on here. Movies I love have an 8, eh movies get a 7 or 6, terrible are 5 and below, but that's just me. I never give 10's because nothing is perfect, but 9's are the special ones. The movies I give a 9 to mean they are one of my favorite movies.

This is my #1 favorite film of all time! I'm a huge movie nerd for all genres, but horror is my favorite, and this is true horror. Disturbing, intense, unique and just a work of art.

The build up is chilling, and the climax gets under your skin and sits with you long after the closing credits. I know that so many people dislike this movie, and whatever, it's their opinion, but it's probably because they either were expecting something else, got confused/found it boring or just didn't care enough to think about. The best horror movies make you think. THIS movie makes you think.

Hereditary is deep, agree or disagree, it's chilling, it's extremely unsettling and it's just pure terror that seeps into your body. I love horror movies, and this is the best in years.

No, it's THE best. Incredible!!!
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