Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Don't bother whinging at the 1 star ratings - use your brain
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
(If you want to watch a great show that ended properly, seek out Babylon 5 and Breaking Bad).

Anyone else tired of seeing

"I don't get it!? Why are so many people rating this 1 star??" "Ignore the haters!" "Ignore the trolls!"


Well, rather than calling people names or "not getting it", perhaps it's time to get an IQ and see what is absolutely obvious:

Half of season 6 - and all of season 7 and 8 - have been shockingly bad. The writing has fallen off a cliff because they didn't have GRRM's novels to extend this to another 5 seasons of glorious writing that made sense.

We got, instead, a mad queen out of thin air - and a stupid, contrived ending to go with it. I mean, honestly, BRAN as the king! I don't know whether to laugh or weep. None of this makes any sense and even more annoying is the fact Sansa ended up ruling the North.

Jon Snow's arc thrown away. Why bother bringing him back to life if the prophecy and all the lead up was going to abandoned? Dany's arc destroyed in the most monstrous way imaginable. Bran didn't even get a proper arc - he just looked cryptic all the time for no reason. Jaime's arc thrown away. Arya's arc went nowhere and Bravos was a load of tosh. We still don't even know what Varys heard in the flames. Who cares, right? Sansa's entire story line after season 4 was horse manure and this episode just puts the final steam on the turd.

Also, I can't stand Sophie Turner - she's playing herself - Rich and in love with herself. She's no longer portraying her character.

And just when you felt it couldn't get any sillier, Sam does a Lord of the Rings by creating the book A Song of Ice and Fire.

GRRM deserved better than the garbage D&D have churned out. They are utterly clueless.

Get lost!!
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