Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Well, i have something nice to write
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am so pleased and happy with this ending, i feel in peace now. I think they all got a closure and loose ends are tied. Everything what was on the beginning in season 1 or what they wanted, they got it. My girl Sansa rocking that crown. I am happy that Ser Poddrick and Ser Brienne got their recognition as Kingsguards. Ser Bronn finally got his castle and Sam made his house proud as a Maester. Well, Dany as well got what she deserved, that Drogon scene broke my heart how sad it was. Bran being The King, its kinda what Three-eyed raven do, manipulates, and if you look back, thats all what he has done, with one purpose. John got his peace at the North where he likes it and where he belongs. I think that all was really poetic at the end. Maybe previous episodes were a little rushed, but i really liked this one. But it makes me sad, that this is the last what we will ever see from Game of Thrones and from these wonderful actors and characters. It was nice seeing all those almost forgotten characters. You can all whine as much as you want, but i think that the directors and the whole crew gave its best to make this amazing series. People you can never please. Thank you for making me laugh and cry. Absolutely amazing show.
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