Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So Dumb&Dumber, went for the UNEXPECTED, shocking, jaw dropping ending... And it was as unexpected as a bad meal served at an expensive restaurant, after waiting 2 hours for the food to arrive. The writing in this season takes me back to my college days when I had an exam and in the last 10 minutes I start writing a rushed, stockpiled frantic gibberish that has no correlation to what I have written beforehand. But they had literally YEARS to plan this. Lets say I can understand the Mad Queen story, although I DO NOT, I think I speak for many people when I say that I feel like I know Daenerys better then I know most people in my life and she would've died for the commoners, but the way they written the rest of it, with Bran (that "why do you think i'm here?" pathetic), Jon (the one true warrior and the best person to rule the kingdoms, he died protecting the people, what he did is the greatness that motivate us to envision into our world after watching super hero movies) and Grey Worm (with the "you cannot speak you are a prisoner" then he lets him talk for 5 minutes and the "Jon Snow is our prisoner he has to answer to his crime", PUHlease! Grey Worm loved Daenerys, he would've killed Jon IMMEDIATELY, not wait for someone else to come and pass the sentance. Pathetically disgusting. The only satisfying scene in this episode is when Sansa is named Queen in the North and when Jon pets Ghost. I will never in my entire life watch anything written, directed or TOUCHED by D.B. Weiss and David Benioff.
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