"He didn't leave you anything: no million dollars . . . "
21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . or country clubs, or long shiny cars for you to drive" the disillusioned War Widow "Jo" laments to her new-born son after her runaway baby dad has been killed during the foreign junket for which he's been yearning throughout TENDER COMRADE. "He died for Nothing; your Dad was a fool!" sums up Jo to her now-financially-doomed son. Unlike Leader Trump, who sagely avoided the Vietnam Quagmire by confessing to The Heartbreak of Heel Spurs, Jo's mate "Chris" is pictured itching for an excuse to desert her Home Front in pursuit of "glory" amid the mob of Crusaders being dispatched to Foreign Lands by President-for-Life "Delano Roosevelt." Whenever this flick's focus drifts away from Chris, its treasonous director and screenwriter ply their captive audience with not-so-subliminal messages urging Redistribution of Wealth, Majority Rule, and Resource "Rationing." It totally overlooks the fact that One Per Center Upper Crust Patriots such as Leader Trump form the Backbone of America, and therefore MUST pursue their opulent Life Style completely uncurbed and unfettered ESPECIALLY in War Times. After all, during conflicts such as WWII, what ARE people fighting and dying for, if not the American Dream?! Nothing makes an Axis of Evil angrier than knowing America's Upper Echelon is enjoying Life as Usual--yachts, golfing, cigars, and all--no matter how badly a few battles may turn out for the USA's overseas plebian adventurers in the short run.
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