DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
They've Really Become Legends
22 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am in love. This show never fails to make me laugh. It's one of the only things I follow anymore. Is it ridiculous? Yes! But that's what makes it so great. I'm going to be honest, when I started this show, I hated it, the one good thing was Leonard Snart and then they killed him off, I almost gave up on it a few times, I slogged through it for two and a half seasons, and I am hella glad I did. The season 3 finale was the most bonkers, but amazing thing I have ever seen, and season 4 has very easily transformed it from my least favourite Arrowverse show to the only one that matters to me anymore. This is the show that makes me happy, makes me smile, makes be go absolutely ballistic with glee because it is insane, and its insanity makes it beautiful. I think they just locked the writers up in the basement with some drugs and let them go wild, because this show is on drugs, but in a good way. They've finally realized what works, finally found that balance, and embraced it, embraced the ridiculous side that comes with a group of time travelling outcasts, embraced the beauty of their flaws, and their mistakes and their unconventionality and used it to their advantage instead of their downfall. Cheesy? Maybe. But I like cheese. And I'm glad I gave it another chance.
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