Dragon Hunt (1990)
"The dog's dead. The boat's blown up. And they are still out there!"
22 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can one say about the Chuckle Brothers of martial arts movies, Michael and Martin McNamara? Despite their efforts in acting, scriptwriting and producing 'Dragon Hunt' the film veers towards the so bad its awesome territory. The twins go on holiday and meet up with their old nemesis Jake who captures them. Then it's the old, old story of 'The Most Dangerous Game' as they are released to be hunted down by Jake's minions which include lots of ninjas. Needless to say the brothers kill everybody.

The only entertaining part of the film is the splendid over the top performance of B. Bob as Jake. When he is on the screen it lights up with a laughable lunacy that I found irresistible. It might not appeal to all tastes though.
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