Splitting the cruel Man and the oustanding filmmaker!!!
22 May 2019
When I'd Watched "White Hunter Black Heart" l'd realized who actually John Huston really was, he claims kill an elephant as just a "Sin", on this marvelous making of The African Queen, all his weapons were seized at Nairobi's customs, then he goes to Belgian Congo where the hunting is free, in this point, I had to split the cruel man and the great filmmaker, so Huston was back to make an fabulous achievement at nowhere on Africa's core where he already had chosen to shooting the unpredictable and bold enterprise, Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn at last will be make something together, the producer Sam Spiegel got the money and Huston got Bogie, who asking for Hepburn, who accept at once, the whole thing were a true mess, improvised installations was made in nearby area for all crew and casting, hard takes on African Queen were made under raft or another bigger boat, back on England they finally finish the underwater scenes, many curious stories and rumors are told by the living crew and old footage!!


First watch: 2012 / How many: 2 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8
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