Review of Lie Low

Lie Low (2019)
A Tense Indie Drama
24 May 2019
Lie Low is a tense drama about a man named Parnell who is on the run after witnessing a stabbing. Parnell and his mother lay low on the French countryside with other family members, while we slowly piece together parts of the family's past as the tension and looming danger grows.

Apparently the film was made on a remarkably low budget, with just a small Sony A7Sii camera, and in only 13 days. What the filmmaking team accomplished with those limited resources and time is remarkable. From looking at the credits it is apparent that director Jamie Noel worked in multiple capacities on Lie Low and he deserves applause for his skillful handling of the film. I think that often the best low budget filmmakers use their budgetary limitations as creative fuel to find new and original ways to make movies, often surpassing the overall quality of big Hollywood films. The cinematography was particularly excellent, utilizing beautiful camera movement and wide lenses up close to lend energy to the frame. The soundtrack was also a standout. Performances were good as well, particularly from the lead actor. I have to say that I enjoyed seeing a film set in another country as opposed to the same Los Angeles locations over and over again. If you're looking for a suspenseful drama, I highly recommend Lie Low!
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