Review of Arrival

The Hot Zone: Arrival (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not accurate
28 May 2019
Without going into potentially Classified or Spoilers that is not how things were done, even before this, during Training at U.S.A.M.R.I.I.D. as a Biological Warfare Officer (Epidemiology). The Facilities were actually more modern 1981 than depicted as 1989, we used to joke that somebody watched too much 1971 The Andromeda Strain.

What is depicted is how careless Civilian Laboratories are, not applying "Sterile Procedures", after receiving "Samples".

During Training, "Concentrated Bleach is your Friend" as over 8 percent with a little dish washing soap added.

Even before the Irradiation of Food, most of our equipment (without Us inside) was irradiated, then incinerated, as to why we only wore adult diapers under our Total Agent Protective Suits ("Spacesuits").

My really stupid decisions would later get me involved as a U.S. Army Special Forces Officer with the Iran Iraq Wars, and CIA Operation Cyclone, and later as a Nuclear Accident Incident Response and Assistance (N.A.I.R.A.) Team Leader after the 1986 Chernobyl Disaster. And later getting involved with Chemical Munitions as a Chemical Munitions Officer, during U.S. Military Operation Golden Python and Operation Steel Box.

Prior to the Ebola Outbreak at Liberia, we were sent in as a Biological Accident Incident Response and Assistance (B.A.I.R.A.) Team by the U.S. Center for Disease Control (Commanded by a U.S. Military Officer, Medical Professional, so that C.D.C. has access to any U.S. National Security Assets Worldwide), to conduct Initial Contact Surveys, and the Medical Professionals of USAID, Doctors without Borders were not adequately equipped, as we wore Total Agent Protective Suits and "Rebreathers", the Civilians wore surgical masks and face shields so many got exposed and died. The lies spread were so obvious to Us as we measured vaporized Ebola out to 100 meters from exposed that were coughing. with our air samplers.

Length of time in Quarantine in Country in a small plastic bubble inside a tent with a camping toilet, 30 days. Everything we were fed had been irradiated to prevent cross contamination in the Event we showed symptoms, While known exposed USAID and Doctors without Borders Medical Personnel were fleeing back to the U.S. and got Lawyers involved claiming putting them into Quarantine for the required amount of time, was a Violation of their Constitutional Rights (that Nurse was going everywhere after returning from Liberia).
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