Quantez (1957)
Can these outlaws survive each other or the Apache?
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
An outlaw gang, including a woman, give the slip to a posse chasing them. Then, they make their way across the desert toward the little town of Quantez, to rest their horses before a perilous journey across a desert to Mexico..........Except for the beginning and last portions, this story takes place at night, mostly in the saloon of the deserted Quantez, with rather poor lighting, Hence, it feels like a film noire, definitely claustrophobic.........The first hour goes rather slowly, as we get somewhat acquainted with the various members of the gang...........There's Heller(John Larch): technically the leader of the gang, although it seems to me that Fred MacMurray, as the oldest and wisest, should have been the leader. He is called Gentry ,formerly called John Coventry..........Then, there's Sydney Chaplin, as Gato: a white man raised by the Apache, who still thinks of himself as half Apache. During the outlaw's stay, he forms a shaky alliance with the local Apache(incredibly, only a stone's throw from where the outlaws are!). The Apache chief, Delgadito. agrees to attack the outlaws at dawn, then the Apache and Gato will split the stolen money. John Gavin, plays Teach, the youngest and newest member of the gang, coming from the East..........Finally, there's blond knockout Dorothy Malone, as Heller's girlfriend, who is weary of her station. It seems that Heller is also weary of her, insulting her, and suggesting that they leave her behind. Clearly, Chaney is ready to leave Heller the first chance she gets. Gentry and Teach are ready to defend her, and each suggests they leave the others, and try to start a new life, and each gets a kiss. Unfortunately, Heller sees the passionate kiss and hug Teach receives, and starts a fight with Teach, they roll around in the puddle as well as on dry land. Gentry finally demands that they end it........Several members suggest to a partner that they kill the others and split the money. But, none of these plans is carried out.........Finally, morning breaks. Time for the Apache to strike. But, first, Gentry shoots Heller, who was about to shoot Teach. Also, Gato runs toward the Apache, but is shot with an arrow........So, now there are 3 outlaws left, who are attacked by the Apache. Somehow, they get to their horses and gallop away, ahead of the Apache. Eventually, Chaney's horse stumbles, dumping her. Luckily, she's not hurt, but the Apache are approaching, So, they abandon their horses, and run for cover behind some low rocks.........One stays behind and shoots the Apache as they run forward. The other two head for the rim of the canyon, and carefully descend the ladder made of wood slats. ........Eventually, the Apache overwhelm the sharpshooter and kill him as he is cutting the ropes to hold the ladder..........Now, why were the Apache chasing the 3. They are primarily interested in the loot, not in fighting a battle with the whites, where some would die. No idea where the loot is. None of the 3 have it on them. Maybe it's in a saddlebag, or maybe left back at the saloon. Are the Apache going to try to track them down? They have no rifle, although probably a 6 shooter, and no horses. What's their chance of survival? Of course, they are still wanted by the sheriff..........Back during the night, a rider appeared, singing and strumming his guitar. It was James Barton. Why did he show up in this ghost town in the middle of the night?. They asked him to sing a song. He sang one about robbery and killing. Heller didn't like it. Then, Barton offered to paint a portrait of Chaney This, he did. Most said it was good, but Heller complained that it didn't look like her. It is evident to the others that Heller intends to kill Barton for his horse, as one of their horses died. But, Gentry sneaks Barton out to his horse, and he hurries away..........As others have mentioned, this goes too slow for about an hour, thus it is not a particularly exciting western.
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