Delving deeper into American myth by Brits!!!
1 June 2019
I have been fascinated by the event that took place at the O K Corral since childhood when I read a book on the subject. This was the birth of every gunfight portrayed in cinema across decades and continents and the blueprint for showdown scenes of the Western genre. The Brits are as miserly with their films as the French are with their wine: BBC America broadcasts endless reruns of Star Trek, X Files and Dr. Who to their colonial cousins while keeping the best programs for themselves! I enjoyed this immensely. The initial depictions of both sides' viewpoint started out very interesting indeed! The producers deserve an E, for effort. But this story needs (and could support) an entire series to dive into the close relationships and familiarity of these historical figures with each other. This was last attempted in the late 1950's with Hugh O'Brien's "Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp" with some success, though highly stylized for that period. The choice of Liam Cunningham and very recognizable British talent is inspired. His stoic, deliberate portrayal of Wyatt Earp rivals and at times surpasses others I have seen. The use of actual courtroom documents and testimony is engrossing though a bit too ponderous for the average viewer. There are problems with the pacing however. For once I wish someone would illustrate the brevity of the whole affair. 30 seconds. They could show it in real time, THEN go back for Peckinpaw slow motion blood spurts and explosions. It gives the impression (and every related movie does this) of a slow, deliberate execution and ballistic ballet, of sorts. Man, it was less time than it takes to heat a microwave do-nut and six men were shot, 3 killed! And I love these actors, but Wyatt was 33 years old when this went down. Quit getting 50 and 60 year olds as principals in this drama. This is one classic that could use a youthful make-over (like Young Guns). Even at the end, the methodical hunt for the cowboys by Wyatt's "posse" is drawn out and word infested. Things went quicker and without much talking, I surmise! I can't argue with the viewpoint taken by the screenwriters because it was a Democrat/Republican recounting of the events (involving by the way, the Democrat Cowboys and the Republican Earps. Let someone film THAT angle!)
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