it's not what you think. More anti-nazi propaganda.
3 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well done, fast-paced and enjoyable, this is another in the staple of Warner Brothers films showed them as monsters of the cruelest order. The major villain here is the tall, lanky John Abbott whom you can tell through his thick glasses and cold personality is far from the good doctor he is presented as in the first scene. It all surrounds the British John Loder who is suspected of being a killer who can allegedly climb up buildings like a gorilla (or King Kong), cruely murder his victim and disappear without a Trace. But of course we know that Loder is innocent. The only thing we do not know is how the culprit will be caught and despatched of, and in just over an hour, the audience gets plenty of thrills in the meantime.

As we see the killer stalk their prey, it becomes very chilling, and that is where the only element of horror comes in. This isn't the same year's "Captive Wild Woman" (Universal) or "The Ape Man" (Monogram), so there is no use making a triple bill out of these three second features. But Warner Brothers, even after cheapest, made entertaining programmers, and this certainly fits that bill. It's pretty predictable though and the one-dimensional characters (both good and bad) makes it sometimes eye rolling.
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