An Oversexed Pryor
6 June 2019
Richard Pryor plays three different roles in this comedy and they all have one thing in common: sex.

The main character, Leroy Jones (Richard Pryor), has been run out of town by a squad of union-busting goons. He makes a new name and a new home for himself in California where he meets the beautiful Vanetta (Lonette McKee). Life seems to be going well until he witnesses an attempted murder. After that things just get more complicated.

This movie had its moments. As an overall story it was pretty lousy. Sometimes a comedian or team of comedians can come up with some funny lines and some funny scenarios, but they don't necessarily make a good movie. This movie was just that. A fairly incohesive story having to do with "the man" or free masons or something similar and a farm labor movement. That was the backdrop to Pryor's three different roles as a preacher, an old man, and Leroy Jones.

What was patently evident, besides Leroy Jones being a scared self-centered a-hole, was that sex was clearly on the agenda. I know sex tends to be a hot topic for certain comedians, but Pryor was never the sex-joke type. At any rate, if Pryor had a dream life of being able to conquer multiple women, this movie would be that. No, it didn't all go perfectly, but that may have just been the tiny realistic touch they wanted to insert into the movie.

The few scant laughs truly weren't worth the hour-and-a-half commitment. It was a lot of Pryor being weak and scared or sexually active. That doesn't make a movie, that makes a comedy sketch. And typically, a storyline needs a satisfactory resolution to be considered a storyline. Sadly, this movie lacked that as well.
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