Don't brush off this episode
8 June 2019
Reading about 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' when it first aired, will admit to initially thinking before watching that it would have a narrow target audience and be very cutesy and shallow with not much for adults or non-girls. Am so glad about giving the show a chance, with it being a classic example of not judging something by its cover. Whoever knew that it would become so immensely popular and with a fanbase that consists of a lot of people that are not actually part of the stereotyped target audience.

Or that it would actually be a very well made and written show with winning humour, relatable morals and situations and characters that are actually interesting and worth caring about. Not many animated shows today have all of this, and with so much dross airing on channels that used to be my favourites and most watched as a child having a show of such unexpectedly high quality like 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' is just so refreshing. Don't consider myself a "brony" as such and wouldn't dream of doing any of the negative things that the "bronies" are accused of by those that dislike the show, rather hypocritically so might it be added.

Lets talk about "Griffon the Brush Off". Of the episodes up to this point of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' it is my least favourite, but there is an awful lot to like about it still. Whether one likes "Griffon Brush Off" is dependent on whether they like a certain aspect about the episode that won't work for others. For understandable reasons, lets get that clear.

That aspect is the character of Gilda. A representation of the worst kind of friend, with qualities that one actually wouldn't associate for a friend but more a stereotypical brat borderline bully. Was expecting to hate her reading the plot summary, and did hate her at first as her personality is a real turn off. Up to this point of the show, one does not hate a character this much at first and there are people who will keep hating her. At least though, the writers were aware of this, made it a deliberate choice and acknowledged it with the intent to not make it torture for the viewer. Thanks to what is thrown at her being treated in a way that's actually entertaining without being mean-spirited and more to educate her, her personality didn't feel overplayed too much.

In "Griffon the Brush Off" the writing is remarkably mature, treating a subject that could have been handled distastefully in lesser hands with actual respect and entertainment value. The pranks and gags at the party, a vast majority of them slapstick-oriented, are genuinely hilarious. All while teaching with enough sensitivity to avoid heavy-handedly the morals of respecting others and not letting envy get the better of you, important and relevant morals that do need to be addressed as much as possible without being beaten over the head with them.

What made me appreciate "Griffon the Brush Off" a lot was the writing for Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Both are developed well here and are interesting, particularly Pinkie Pie who is not too much of a cutesy character and has great comic timing. Really appreciated Rainbow Dash being developed more as she was a very underdeveloped character at this point of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic', more so than Spike. There is also a great unexpected twist in the episode regarding the pranks.

Animation continues to improve and be very good, with the slapstick being drawn with ease. The bright colours, meticulously detailed and often elegant backgrounds and adorable but never too cute character designs still appeals. The music has presence but never over-bears what is going on. Personally don't have a problem with the theme song, am aware some find it take it or leave it.

Loved the story, which was fun yet mature. The characters continue to engage and their character traits are already well rounded and distinct, they are much more than shallow stereotypes and they are more complex than their cute character designs suggest. The voice acting is well done expectedly, Maryke Hendrikse relishing Gilda.

Summarising, very enjoyable despite having an aspect that will be divisive. 8/10
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