The Wicked (2014)
A Psychological Movie
9 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert: Not really a thriller, but there is some tense atmospheric moments, scary but not frightening. There are a lot of flashbacks, and that creates a bit of confusion, which I think helped the atmosphere, but also annoyed. Overall the movie is good, and kept my interest until just before the end. There is a twist that I did not expect and was surprised by it. But there is a scene near the very end that instantly reminded me of the end of the movie "Audition", and that just turned me off, luckily it didn't last long. There are a few scenes of self-harm, which I couldn't watch, they were short but disturbing. And the streaming version that I watched had some poorly translated subtitles here and there, not much, but I think I missed an important plot point because of that. It's a good atmospheric psychological movie, but not great.
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