12 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The opening credits start with the typical disturbing piano music along with some slight jerking motion of the credits to set the mood. We open in a group session of nut cases with a Charlie Manson clone talking... "Mommy says pain-good" as he slaps the guy next to him and himself.

But our attention shifts to Clay Moyer (Timothy Greeson) who is disturbed by bad dreams. Clay meets Susan (Lisa Geoffrion who looks like every disco-era blond) when he was building sand castles. They hook up. At night Clay wakes up and stalks and kills women, although he doesn't realize he is doing it. He thinks they are dreams. He also has numerous fantasies about women, most of which involve them being topless (He is psycho, but not crazy.)

Most of the actors have only one credit to their name at IMDB. Typical 80's psycho killer film expect you get to see more of the killer's point of view. Not the worse film out there. Fairly straight forward film without a plot twist.

F-bomb, sex, nudity, voyeurism, disco music
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