17 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I had my doubts about this one, but as it turned out, the production values were almost there! On the one hand, the special effects needed some extra oomph, but they weren't half bad. The writing was pretty good too! I really like the concept of a new player coming in and having done their homework to a point that regulars are thrown for a loop! The acting, itself, leaves a bit to be desired, but again- it was also pretty decent overall. I tremendoisly loved the humorous anecdotes, analogies, game-enthusiast jabs and jokes, and the relentless ability of the entire gaming group to conspire against the DM and his carefull laid plans (lol).

Actual problems I saw: 1.) The odd off-relationship between the DM and the new gamer girl. I don't see why that couldn't have been developed a bit more to add some actual drama and feeling to the real-world gamers. 2.) I feel like some of the dramatic "antics" were a bit over the top and could have been less -dramatized- and more -acted with real feelings- in order to make the gamers seem more like real people. 3.) The whole thing with making all the gamers eccentric was too stereotypical. {My opinion here: In reality, there's usually only enough psychological room for 1 eccentric in a group of gamers...2 eccentrics in a group causes too much friction and the group tends to fall apart because their egos can't handle the (we'll call it) "stupid".}
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