This film is misleading in a big way . . .
18 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly had hoped this would have been a well thought out documentary but it isn't. Mara is in this to sell her software to doctors is what you should really focus on here which explains her controlling attitude. They leave out the part about how the mother of the baby did not follow Mara's recommendations initially and THAT is why the child does poorly. They created a dramatic effect here but they should have explained the mother's reticence about this new treatment which would have been very understandable. When the mother of the baby is using other sources due to cost of Mara's oil, Mara takes a really hard line with her and then tersely tells her they are not her patients anymore. OMG really? Instead Mara could have said, ok I get it. My oils are expensive. Keep me informed on how your daughter does. Keep in touch etc. But no. Mara cuts them off with her hatchet personality. The mother then sees the holes in Mara's approach and decides to organize herself and the film makes it out like she is the wrong doer. I think Mara can be super controlling and egotistical and this turns folks off in a big way. It made me pause. Another HUGE fail with this film is one of the patients dies. He is the only one of color and there is really no discussion on this either. What happened and why. I mean this one died, maybe a paragraph on this would have been appropriate? When you go to their site you will not find helpful info on any of this on how much of this or that to take for conditions. Nope you will find more selling for consulting. This so called documentary is an infomercial pure and simple for Mara and her software and the expensive oils. Really a shame since it is entities like this that sets back the credibility of this sector and what it CAN do. Mara's clipboard and novelty data base and all is just a really bad approach on so many levels but it makes her out like this great champion. Ha! If she was really trying to do right with all this the information would be free on the site. Her methods are not that great either so do not get lulled into the idea she has some special data that will help. They also don't really discuss all the big time variables with THC and CBD and how you will NEVER get the exact same stuff in each generation of oils since the plants don't operate that way. Also distillates are much more concentrated than oils and you don't need to use as much and way cheaper. I hate people who take advantage of the sick for their own monetary gains. The big tell here is when Mara says "you are not my patient". Mara has zero credentials as being anything close to a doctor. This is her ego revealing itself. I would warn others that this so called documentary is missing critical information and is very misleading. It also brings home the point that Ms Lake is not really doing her due diligence with what she produces. You don't need to be an expert to see the gaping holes in this piece of digital garbage.
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