Review of X-Men

X-Men (2000)
Pretty good!
18 June 2019
There are some films which take the genre to some other level. This film is definitely the one to do so in the superhero genre.

Good : There's a whole bunch of good things that I can talk about. Bryan Singer does his best to tell the story, considering the comparatively weak script for an experimental film like this. This was the first time in YEARS that a superhero film was taken seriously. Given that there had been no introduction to any of the characters prior to this film, it does a really good job to make them interesting. Plus, it establishes the conflict between Eric and Xavier, which have been an integral part of many films that came afterwards. Not to mention, the character introduction, especially that of Wolverine, was incredible. We instantly know the basic characterization given to each of them, which was enough to get behind the movie. Hugh Jackman was the optimal choice for the role of Wolverine, and he proved it for next 17 years. Every single actor have done a good job in their roles. Also, I believe that X-Men films have been the best superhero films when it comes to "social" themes. We get to see the first of many times two friends with different world views clashing with one another. It has grown incredibly stale now, but was great to see back then and some other films after this, especially First Class and DoFP. The mutants wanting to be accepted by humans, and the other mutants wanting to destroy mankind - what other superhero series have given such a theme, or a similar one? This movie is the reason we are getting films like Infinity War, Civil War, Endgame, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. While I prefer these over the first X-Men movie, if it didn't bring the genre back on track, we would've never gotten such films.

Mixed : It feels dated. Had it been made today, it would've been a lackluster. It was clear that they were trying to experiment with this movie and still figuring out how to get things right. While they got most of the things right, they could've made the story a little more complex.

Bad : The story is quite a bit of a throwaway story. While there's an interesting twist, it still feels like the movie becomes a little goofy and cartoony after that twist. Some moments feel like they were shoehorned just to give some "comic accuracy", but they didn't feel justified. I believe that if you get the basic elements right, it doesn't matter if it's not deadly accurate with the comics. But if you want it to be so, make some baseline for that. Don't do it randomly.

Conclusion : It's a movie that set the genre back on track forever. While the story and script might feel a little lazy when viewed today, you can see that the execution of the ideas were as good as humanly possible. If you are a superhero movie fan, it's a must watch. Not because it's insanely great, but just as a reminder of what led us to where we are. I am a huge fan of the genre. All credits go to Nolan's Batman films, the good X-Men films and Raimi's first two Spider-Man films. I absolutely love the MCU and many DC films apart from Nolan's trilogy - Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, Shazam, The Dark Knight Returns, Superman/Doomsday, etc. But for me, like for the genre, it all started with the first X-Men movie. So, I have a very special place for this in my heart, as a fan.


Score : 8/10

Grade : A-
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