Charlie's Angels: Angel Blues (1978)
Season 2, Episode 19
A more serious episode and everyone has their moments to shine
19 June 2019
This is a nice episode because it takes a more serious approach as the beginning of the show draws us in to the sad situation of a country singer in trouble and her worried father, to whom she is desperately trying to get home. In the investigation of the case, the Cheryl Ladd character takes kind of a lead role as the case starts, and then has a quick fight with one of the bad guys at the end. That character is one the viewer grows rather fond of, until his true intentions are revealed. Kate Jackson's character has a moment of danger when she is shot at and has to dive out of the way. Jaclyn Smith's character has a nice (if a little cheesy based on her acting) confrontation with a possible suspect. All in all, the equal time for each actress / Angel character to have a memorable moment or two really makes this episode strong. Generally, Jaclyn got some of the most favorable parts throughout the show, more screen time, the most close-ups, etc. Towards the end of Cheryl's first season she became more featured, leaving Kate's screen time and visibility in third place. But this episode does well balancing things out. It also provides a more believable, organized string of events to solving their case, as Kris rides with the cabbie to retrace the places he took the singer to at the beginning of the show, and Sabrina and Kelly each visit them as they follow behind.
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