20 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't necessarily a bad movie. It has compelling and sympathetic characters and an interesting villain. But because of how the film doesn't hold back on making the viewer feel gross, it doesn't make the viewer want to enjoy the other good aspects of this movie. And while there are some movies that do the same thing, such as The Fly or The Thing, this movie seems to have no point to it. It's just disturbing to be disturbing. And with no real villain motivation, I can't get behind the rawness this film shows.

And personally, the ending is atrocious. With the husband suddenly turning on the wife and her killing him out of self defense, I don't understand the motivations, the twist, or it's purpose. Part of this is because the villain's motivation was never given. So I can't say if the husband suddenly turning bad showed irony, symbolism, parallelism, or exposed what the villain was trying to fix within the relationship: resulting in just a confusing, out of left field ending.

Was it even an entertaining ending without thinking about the logic of it? I guess so. So if you want to see a torture porn movie that is raw in its delivery, then watch this movie. But personally it wasn't for me.
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