Doctor Who: The Pilot (2017)
Season 10, Episode 1
Ace Pilot
20 June 2019
I think this episode is an underrated gem. It follows the great tradition in Doctor Who in providing scary thrills out of mundane things as here we get a 'monster' which comes out of a puddle and can come after you from any water source.

Superb effects and direction by Lawrence Gough provide great scenes with a shower, rain, etc and the creepy atmosphere of being followed and fearing something from every day life like water is super effective. My wife could barely watch, she was terrified as if watching a really good horror movie. I just found it brilliantly thrilling. I am sure this episode would have many viewers hiding behind cushions or the sofa in true Doctor Who style. That is one of my favourite things about the show, when it manages to be a bit scary.

In addition this introduces Bill as the 12th Doctor's new companion. Pearl Mackie acts really well right from the start and I really liked the character. She is sparky and strong but with a caring heart and she is often very funny and quirky. I am sure some narrow-minded viewers disliked her being presented obviously as a lesbian and saw it as 'political correctness' or whatever but I found this very much a positive not a negative. It was presented as her fancying someone who just happened to be female and totally equal to when female characters in the past have fancied a male character. It wasn't a cheap token characterisation, it felt like authentic representation. I loved that Bill was presented as a great, down to earth girl with a believable and fun personality.

Peter Capaldi continues to be brilliant and sparks beautifully with both Bill and the very amusing Nardole. The mixture of humour and darkness works just right in this episode. It is Moffatt at his best.

This episode is a great start to the series with great acting, direction, effects, an interesting story, plenty of thrills, a nice touch of emotion and some good humour. Many won't agree but for my personal preferences this is the best episode of this very good season and one of my top 5 Capaldi episodes.

My Rating: 10/10.

Series 10 Episode Ranking: 1st out of 14.
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