A Christian Movie that Speaks to the Heart!
20 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best Christian movies that I've seen! This movie was not only realistic, it showed the real life struggle of the main character, Péter, who lost faith in God as a child due to the death of his father, to rediscovering the Risen Jesus through life's trials and tribulations! God was speaking to Peter his whole life but Peter wasn't listening! It took Peter to almost lose everything, showing truly how powerless he was, and how when we put faith in God, the Lord was there, faithful to redeem, and dedicated to guide. Peter's wife, along with his mother never lost faith in Peter coming to know Jesus, and in the end, Peter ended up realizing the beauty and joy of his Heavenly Deposit... giving his heart to God! There's so much more to this movie and I don't want to spoil it! God is still in the miracle business, and being this movie is based on real life events of George Vincent, who plays Peter, you'll see true miracles that inspire in the film!
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