Third Girl
27 June 2019
'Les Petits Meurtres D'Agatha Christie' is uneven and not ideal for fans wanting straight up adaptations of "The Queen of Crime's" work, when they are loose adaptations and use the respective stories as a frame work. It is though to me very enjoyable, very charming and very intriguing, and Christie fans should find some entertainment value providing they know what to expect and take the series on its own merits (of which there are many).

"Crimes Haute Couture" is the second version of 'Third Girl', not among my favourite Christies but every Christie novel is worth reading at least once and 'Third Girl' is not exempt from that. The first being the much more faithful and much better known David Suchet adaptation, which is very well done as an adaptation and in its own right. As an adaptation, "Crimes Haute Couture" has the basic framework of the story while not being one hundred percent faithful. Fidelity or lack of it has never been a problem with me with 'Les Petits Meurtres D'Agatha Christie', as it was clear from the start that the books were being used as frameworks when being adapted (though there are a fair number of recognisable elements). Always judge adaptations on their own terms and there has always been a lot to enjoy about this series.

It is hard to say which is my preference between this and the Suchet adaptation with them being quite different from each other. For entertainment value, personally would go for this. For fidelity and suspense, would go for Suchet. Not an easy pick. What is easiest to judge is how "Crimes Haute Couture" ranks amongst the other 'Les Petits Meurtres D'Agatha Christie' episodes. For me, it's easily among the best episodes, with very little against it although am not sure what my stance is on Tricard, and it is dependent on how he's used. Don't personally think he's a particularly necessary presence here.

However, the production values are of pure luxury without being too indulgent. So lovingly recreated in the period detail, those fashions take the breath away and like their own characters, and makes one feel nostalgic. The beautiful photography complements expertly. The music matches the light-hearted and at times very atmospheric tone very well.

The writing is thought provoking and has the right amount of entertainment value, didn't find the humour stale or forced, and intrigue. There is a pretty dark story here in "Crimes Haute Couture" and it's handled very suspensefully without being over-serious. Liked the Larosiere and Lampion feel of it early on and the chemistry between Laurence, Alice and Marlene gels beautifully and has tension, fun and charm. Laurence has a very funny moment with a goldfish.

Speaking of Laurence, he has come on hugely as a character, did not care for him to begin with finding him obnoxious and stiff. Now he seems much more at ease and the chemistry with the rest of the cast is much more natural and in harmony. Alice is a joyful charmer as always and love Marlene more and more with each episode, and she has one of her most interesting subplots. Of the three leads, Elodie Frenck is my favourite here though Blandine Bellavoir is a breath of fresh air. Very good support too from particularly Camille Claris.

Overall, one of the best episodes of the series. 9/10
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