Pretty As a Picture
29 June 2019
Cameramen Hone Glendinning and Virgil Miller take their cameras to the Cotswold Hills and Tintagel Abbey to offer pictures of a vanishing rural England.

In contrast to many of the James Fitzpatrick Traveltalks, there are a lot of moving shots; not on ones taken from a slowly moving boat, but pan shots to reveal the size of structures and the neatly maintained farming fields.

"The Voice of the Globe" as the series titled Mr. Fitzpatrick, is far more restrained in his narration than usual, with a milder tone of voice (until the end, anyway), and gaps in his talk that allow the pictures to carry this short. I find this technique far more effective than his usual constant effort to sell the audience on the virtues of his subject. It's too bad he didn't apply this technique more often. Perhaps he felt this one was good enough without constant talk.
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