Kavanagh QC: The Burning Deck (1996)
Season 2, Episode 3
Too much in too little.
1 July 2019
A chapter in the series that is muddled with too many stories and ends, seemingly, to make some point lost in the what had been presented.

I count five different stories strung together for this episode. All are done poorly and together makes the episode hard to follow or understand. Maybe if the writers had focused more upon the Kavanaugh part of the story, it would, or could, have been stronger and make the whole far better.

Instead, the episode is held down by cuts to various soap opera-esque elements that are mostly left as loose ends. I, myself, don't care if I learned any more about any of it. Sadly, the Kavanaugh part ends up reflecting this direction, though not connected.

Even Thaw's usual exceptional acting skills, which are not at full speed here, doesn't save this mess.
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