Going downhill
1 July 2019
I enjoyed the first few seasons of FTWD. I even at one point had the opinion that it surpassed TWD in all parameters. However seasons 4 & 5 are going downhill with new found emphasis on sloggy episodes that add little to nothing to the characters or their development. It's like they were envious of FTWD growing success and applied the TWD recipe to drag it down a awful notch. Season 5 has been terrible in all senses. Barely any action sequences, development story wise is pretty much non existent and there's this feeling that the characters are literally stranded not only in a physical location, but actually being held hostages of a flawed script. Everything that's been said and done in these 5 episodes could easily took at most 2. The series is grinding the wheel, waiting for the so called apotheosis in the last two episodes. Until then you get these slow, boring episodes of two women getting a lesbian moment out of the blue, because... why not? We all know that this agenda has been forced into our entertainment, we as well just accept that somewhere along it's journey, our series will have lgbt representatives. It's like forcing for the sake of inclusion and diversity, and not because it fits the narrative. In this case, the sole purpose of this episode was that kiss towards the end. Not that the series needed to tell us that she's gay, (we already knew) or that it was truly important for the plot. It was solely for the sake of "hey we have gay kisses in a zombie apocalypse. We're veeeery inclusive". When a series goes as far as using success as a background for other purposes other than to tell the story itself, it's when it all falls to pieces. There are better options out there in terms of entertainment. I hope this shows gets on track very soon.
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