Kyle XY: Bringing Down the House (2009)
Season 3, Episode 10
Season Three
4 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This third (and ultimately final) season of Kyle XY is almost a contradiction in terms. On one hand, clearly a show of this caliber needed a more definitive ending than a cliffhanger that never gets resolved. On the other hand, though, it is clear that this season "jumped the shark" by focusing on the same relationship themes each and every episode.

The overall plotline of this final season is actually very interesting. Much more information is revealed about Latnok, while Kyle and Jessi struggle to incorporate that knowledge and make their own decisions about the organization that created them.

All the other predictable aspects of Kyle XY are apparent as well: The Josh/Andi relationship is cute and touching, Lori and Decklin are still annoying as all get-up, and the Traeger parents still waffle between being overprotective and fair. In essence, the basic elements of the show remain unchanged.

Here is the big problem: Ever single 10 episodes in this season take on the exact same basic format...

Jessi does something stupid...Kyle yells at her...Kyle eventually helps her and they make up in a romantic moment...Amanda walks in on said romantic moment...Amanda gets mad and does something dumb...Kyle saves her (but needs Jessi's help to do so)...Amanda makes up with Kyle...Kyle is still confused. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Whereas earlier seasons focused on comedy or adventures, this go-round is quite heavy on sappy drama, which gets old and boring after roughly two episodes.

Overall, Kyle XY is a great little niche show that deserves a better ending than this abbreviated code and cancellation. That being said, considering the broken-record emotional themes of this season, perhaps the show ended before it truly became painful to watch. I just wish that Kyle's remarkable backstory would have given us more closure instead of just leave us hanging.

I recommend watching the "Kyle XY: Future Revealed" interviews either on the DVD or found on YouTube. Though a sorry substitute for true closure, at least we can discover where the show WOULD have been headed had it been allowed to play out.
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