A prequel which could have been a great science-fiction film
4 July 2019
I just watched this. A nice-looking film, no doubt. But it could have been so much better. My chief gripe is that it is ever so clearly setting the stage for a sequel. Making it just half a movie. And as a result there's way too much filler material. To the point that the editing doesn't even seem so great. Anyone agree with that? On the flip side, we get some decent character development - over a running time which seems much longer than two hours.

I doin't even mind that this film is quite derivative. Others will say it pays homage to films such as Robocop and Gladiator. There is one great scene involving cyborg dogs. As I said above, there are other scenes which are just unnecessary.

I liked Alita herself. Good performance from the lead. Definitely didn't like the actor who plays her boyfriend.

Looking forward to the sequel which we all know is coming.
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